Thursday, January 29, 2009

Press Release

"Clarity in the Morning" by Sunny Ra

The 2009 Kentucky Girlhood Press Release
Louisville, KY - Jan 29, 2009

Murray State University is proud to host The 2009 Kentucky Girlhood Project, a statewide contemporary art project promoting Kentucky female visual artists, writers, musicians, performance and video artists. The project will host two opening receptions in different parts of the state: The 2009 Kentucky Girlhood Literary and Performance Night, will be held on Thursday, February 26th at the Rudyard Kipling in Louisville, Kentucky. Doors open at 6pm. This opening will include live performance and readings by authors Trish Ayers, Linda Caldwell, Twan Farmer, Claire Harris, Ethel Hazard, Shelly Jones, Jennifer McVeigh-Davis, Elizabeth Oaks, Sheila Pyle, Judith Shearer, Anita Stamper, and Meredith Swim.

The 2009 Kentucky Girlhood Project Exhibition, runs from February 27 through April 5, 2009 at the Clara M. Eagle Gallery at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky. The show will open on February 27, 2009 from 6pm-9pm in Murray, Kentucky with work by Lisa Austin, Christina Bartsch, Courtney Bennett, Ashley Cecil, Katie Davidson, Freda Fairchild, Natalie Fisher, April Gastinger, Lindsey Griffith, Whitney Hunt, Hallie Jones, Essye Klempner, Annie Langan, Sarah Lyon, Ivy Mathis Bess McLaughlin, Terri Moore, Danica Novgorodoff, Anne Peabody, Sheila Pyle, Risa Puno, Stacey Reason, Jennifer Reis, Sunny Ra, Emily Ritter, Rachel Seed, Deirdre Scaggs, Joan Schulte, Sarah Smith, Skylar Smith, Shannon Seltzer, Robin Taffler, Aycia Thompson, Diana Wicai and Toni Michelle Wilds.

With work by over 30 Kentucky-affiliated artists, this year’s Kentucky Girlhood Project is an exhibition that addresses issues surrounding technique, audience participation and female identity. The straightforward mission of the Kentucky Girlhood Project remains consistent from its inception: to bring together female art makers whose practice is informed in one way or another by the state of Kentucky and seeks to free the audience of any preconceived ideas of what it means to be a Kentucky (based) female artist. This year the KGP chose to showcase work that represents each selected artist independently rather than imposing any overarching theme. The exhibition links artists who live anywhere from Los Angeles to New York City to eastern Kentucky with the common thread of history and experience in this diverse state. In multiple arrangements, this exhibition is nothing short of an exciting catalogue of current female artists - emphasizing new ideas and recent trends in contemporary art making in Kentucky.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

2009 KGP Artists and Writers!

Dolls by Emily Ritter and Shannon Stelzer


2009 Kentucky Girlhood Project Literary Event
Thursday, Feb 26th
at the Rudyard Kipling in Louisville
Doors Open at 6pm, readings start at 7:30pm.
The Rudyard has a great food and drink menu.

The Rudyard Kipling
422 W Oak St
Louisville, KY 40203
(502) 636-1311

2009 Kentucky Girlhood Project Exhibition

Feb 27th - April 5, 2009
Clara M. Eagle Gallery
Murray State University

Opening Night Reception Friday, February 27 @ 6pm

Clara M. Eagle Fine Arts Gallery is located at the corner of 15th and Olive streets on the campus of Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky. The Gallery is on the sixth floor of the Doyle Fine Arts Building.

Hazel Holler

Visual Artists

Lisa Austin
Christina Bartsch
Courtnee Bennett Ashley Cecil
Katie Davidson
Freda Fairchild
Natalie Fisher
April Gastinger
Lindsey Griffith
Whitney Hunt
Hallie Jones
Essye Klempner
Annie Langan
Sarah Lyon
Ivy Mathis
Bess McLaughlin
Terri Moore
Danica Novgorodoff
Anne Peabody
Risa Puno
Stacey Reason
Jennifer Reis
Sunny Ra
Emily Ritter
Rachel Seed
Deirdre Scaggs
Joan Schulte
Sarah Smith
Skylar Smith
Shannon Stelzer
Robin Taffler
Alycia Thompson
Diana Wicai
Toni Michelle Wilds


Trish Ayers
Linda Caldwell
Lenora Ehrsam
Twan Farmer
Ellen Hagan
Clara Harris
Ethel Hazard
Shelly Jones
Jennifer McVeigh-Davis
Elizabeth Oakes
Judith Shearer
Anita Stamper
Meredith Swim
Lucretia X

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

2009 KGP Call For Entry - Deadline December 15, 2008

The 2009 Kentucky Girlhood Project Submissions
The official deadline for submissions is December 15, 2008
The show will be held at Murray State University, February 2009

Guidelines - Must be a female artist working in Kentucky or from Kentucky.

What to Submit - Your best work! This year's theme is to submit your signature work.

Art work will be fore sale. Artists will receive 80% of sales

Visual Art:
Please submit
- A one-page artist statement describing the work that you are submitting.
- 2 or more images of the work you are submitting. (Digital, Slides, and Photographs all accepted)
-DO NOT send in the actual art work
-Short Bio
-Contact Info

Written Work:
Please submit
- A one-page artist statement describing the work that you are submitting.
- A hard and digital copy of the piece of literature your submitting. Or submit via email
-Short Bio
-Contact Info

Theatre/Performance Art:
Please submit
- A one-page artist statement describing the work that you are submitting.
- If available, please include finished or rough script. If script is not available, please include an outline of the proposed content. (All
performances pieces must be under 10 minutes.)
- Any visual images that will accompany the piece.
- Short Bio
- Contact Info

Bands and Music:
Please submit
- A one-page artist statement describing the music that you are submitting.
- One or more demo CD's or online music sample.
- Short Bio
- Contact Info

Please submit
- A one-page artist statement describing the work that you are submitting.
- A digital sample from the piece that you wish to submit.
- Short Bio
- Contact Info

Other Media:
If your work does not easily fit into one of the above categories,
Please Submit
- A one-page artist statement describing the work that you are submitting.
- Any work samples that will help us understand your project to the best degree!
- Short Bio
- Contact Info

All work can be submitted via email to or by US Mail. Please send to:

KGP Submission
c/o Becky Atkinson
Eagle Gallery
Murray State University
604 Doyle Fine Arts
Murray, KY 42071


The Clara M. Eagle Gallery at Murray State University will host the 2009 Kentucky Girlhood Project. Including this exhibition in it’s programming schedule will build upon the Eagle Gallery’s commitment to community involvement, enriching the experience of regular gallery visitors while also inspiring new patrons to appreciate the arts. The content of the show relates to all women who grew up in Kentucky or who currently live in the state. This program invites everyone to participate in a variety of interactive arts experiences that explore feminist issues deeply affecting women today in Kentucky.

The Eagle Gallery is located on the Murray State University campus. Over 10,000 students attended the university in the 2007/2008 academic year. Of those students, approximately 60% were women, and 72% were Kentucky residents. Kentucky women comprise a substantial portion of the viewing population, and would benefit directly from this project. This show would also build awareness of feminist issues among all members of the student body and community. Additionally, groups that tour the exhibition will participate in discussions about the impact of the work and how it affects their views of contemporary feminist issues.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Featured Ky Photographer, Sarah Lyon

"Jessica" by Sarah Lyon

About the photo:
When I asked Jessica if I could make an informal portrait of her, she suggested we go to Tink’s because she had heard of it but had never been there. Tink’s Pub is the only lesbian bar in Louisville; offering dancing, drag shows, live music, and pool tables. Low-ceilings with a mismatched decor that changes occasionally but never seem to make sense; the smoky neighborhood bar is what one might call a “dive”. It is one of the more diverse gay bars in town, attracting a wide age range of lesbians, gay men, and working class people from its surrounding Germantown neighborhood. Often it is almost empty; other times it gets so packed, you have to wait for 20 minutes or more in line for one of three bathroom stalls. Tink’s is a poignant place for me because while growing up in Louisville I did not have many people I could relate with about my sexuality. The only way I could get information as a teenager about gay culture was through (usually bad) lesbian movies and music. On the jukebox at Tink’s, there are so many of the songs that I listened to during that time. To hang out there is to revel in that nostalgia. There is something about going to a place where you have at least one thing in common with most people there, even if that is the only thing. It feels safe. I suspect that gay people who move to Louisville, from more rural areas of Kentucky, may feel similarly about having access to clubs and bars like Tink’s. The simple portrait of Jessica, who actually does not identify as a lesbian, does not directly address her sexuality. For me it is more about her comfortable relationship with the photographer and my delight in sharing this slightly odd yet meaningful place with her in the middle of the day.

Sarah's Bio
Sarah Lyon is an artist living in Louisville, Kentucky. A graduate from Miami University of Ohio with her BFA in 2000, her work has been shown in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, and internationally. She began her series of Louisville Portraits and Spaces since returning to her hometown in 2001. Her work also includes documentation of a local seafood restaurant chain, called “Shooting Moby Dick at Night: Searching for the Great White Whale.” Sarah produces the Female Mechanics Calendar, a wall calendar that features real women mechanics working in their environments, traveling to them around the country on her vintage motorcycle. She has received grant support for various projects from the Kentucky Foundation for Women and The Kentucky Arts Council. An adjunct professor of Photography at Bellarmine University in from 2006-2007, Sarah works as a freelance photographer and represented by Zephyr Gallery in Louisville.

Feature KY Writer, Megan Riggle

by Megan Riggle
For Ashleigh

The patios of August heat cannot hold us in,
Nor your last month of pregnancy.
A Mediterranean salad with hearts of palm
Brought by the Mediterranean waiter
Whose language you speak.
He is much more to our tastes
than this pretense of food.
Indecent sisters, we stare at him.
The salt-blue eyes,
Black curls on his head,
A ringed finger.
We still have shameless little girls in us,
Ruthless, toying things too willing not to play.
He is lighter than that ring,
And the white sea-foam that birthed you,
So easy to drag along.
And who denies our sex, especially yours
Swollen just now with the full moon of a child,
Taut belly protruding to the sun?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Featured KY Author, Nickole Brown

by Nickole Brown

I know I didn’t come home
again this year, but I did come
close, came all the way out to the place
that sells trees in the parking lot
between the fast food joint and super store.
You know the one, a fence strung up
with bare bulbs the size of fists, all the trees
roped sloppy, their starless tops pointing
every direction but up, a semi truck
with an open gate selling
mottled oranges, unshelled peanuts, peppermint
poles, jogging pants.

The woman who stepped out
of the sleeper cab was another one of those
could-be-pretties, rubbed raw by wind, and
her hair, dyed three shades
too light, floated two inches above brown
root, the white tips disappearing into winter
sky. She says, I’ll give you
that tree there for thirty.

These trees are thirty dollars? I ask.
No, I said I’d give YOU
that THERE tree for thirty, her voice gritted
with hate—to her, I am a snot, a faux
fur, an artsy-fartsy Holly Hobby from
Bardstown Road. I can sell some trees now
for cheap, she says, Do you hear?
For cheap. I feel poverty’s

contagion come over me,
like I’ll catch something
if I stay too long, that I’ll turn
again into a kid clutching
a doll that does nothing special
but close her eyes
when you lay her back.
I start to leave when
I’m stopped—a reindeer head
dressed in baseball cap and tie, hung
on a wall plaque. What’s more, he’s
animated, singing "My Old Kentucky Home," and
under him a woman propped
in a wheelchair
laughing and singing along. Her skull
comes up through her face
fierce like a spring bulb, she is green, almost
gray, her complexion the shade
of just a few weeks left.

Sister, I am ashamed to say it
but I was frightened—not of death
but resignation, the acceptance
of enough, gifts wrapped under a tree
with its bad side pushed
to the wall, the holiday
jar of hard candy
stuck in one multi-colored lump.

Nickole's Bio
Nickole Brown is the author of Sister, published by Red Hen in September 2007. She graduated from the M.F.A. Program for Creative Writing at Vermont College. She has received grants from the Kentucky Foundation for Women and the Kentucky Arts Council. She studied English Literature at Oxford University as an English Speaking Union Scholar, and was the editorial assistant for the late Hunter S. Thompson. Her work has been featured in The Writer's Chronicle, Poets & Writers, 32 Poems, The Cortland Review, Chautauqua Literary Journal, Diagram Magazine, Another Chicago Magazine, Mammoth Books' Sudden Stories anthology, and Starcherone Press anthology PP / FF. She also co-edited the anthology, Air Fare: Stories, Poems, & Essays on Flight. She has served as the National Publicity Consultant for the Palm Beach Poetry Festival and as the Program Coordinator for the Union Institute & University writing residency in Slovenia. Nickole has worked at a nonprofit, independent, literary press, Sarabande Books for eight years. She currently lives in Louisville, Kentucky.

Featured KY Photographer, Annie Langan

Cigar Box, 2007

Statement of Purpose

Inspired by minimal compositions and visually lush environments, my images appear silent, heightening the subjects’ existence within the frame. The women throughout my photographs express a quiet solitude of yearning for something that is unknown. Here, landscapes become scenarios of life growing up in lush Kentucky countrysides, forests, and sweeping fields.
Through visual isolation, I am creating interactions that accentuate the individual, either in mental contemplation, distraction, or gazing outward to an on-looking viewer. This experiential representation envelops the audience in a reading of each image that is its own absorbed entity in time.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Featured KY Photographer, Jessica Woolard

"You will Stunt your Growth" by Jessica Woolard

Artist Statement
I was born in Stockton, California, but I am from Kentucky. My family and I moved to the suburbs of Louisville in December of 1990. Prior to the move, the extent of cold weather I had known was the day I woke up to find a puddle with a thin layer of ice. I believe we had on winter coats that day… Arriving in Kentucky during winter was rather shocking. I had never been in a place that seemed so grey, dismal and dirty. Sometime passed, and something happened that I had never experienced, the seasons changed. Everything was green and lovely. From then on, each day was spent in the creek behind my backyard. I had fallen in love with Kentucky, and the scenic changes it had to offer.

Naturally, when I heard about this project, I wanted to recreate my time spent in those woods. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the uncomplicated years behind the fence really didn’t have anything to do with growing up female in Kentucky. It was years after that, when I was forced to realize that there is a difference between girls and boys, other than hair styles.

This is the time I began growing up. My “tom-boy” personality became physically noticeable, due to my delayed development. It did not help that I spent most of my time hanging out with the older kids, my body seemed light years behind. Our suburban community was no different than any. There was nothing to do besides drink, smoke and have sex. Fortunately, because of my boyish figure, I was stuck with the first two options. That was growing up for me. Sitting on the side lines, feeling insecure with some cigarettes, and whatever alcohol I could collect.

Jessica's Bio
My name is Jessica Woolard and I am currently 24 years old. I grew up winning every coloring contest I entered. Once I got a little too old for that, I had to wait until my fourth year of school at the University of Louisville to take my first photography class. There, I began developing (no pun intended) my take on art. I received my BFA from U of L with a concentration in 2d art in the spring of 2006. I now spend my time taking pictures of my friends with their clothes off.

Featured KY Author, Marian Silliman

Miss What?
Written by Marian Silliman
Performed on stage at Actors Theater on September 14th, 2007 for the Kentucky Girlhood Project.

It started with a smile. Her mother first noticed it and thought something must be done. From ear to ear, with teeth aligned, a thrust out chin and sheepish eyes, Amy smiled and her mother saw an opportunity. “Come here, Amy, I want to show you something.”
Amy ran from the kitchen still laughing at a joke after hanging up the phone when her mother’s eager voice stopped her. “Show me what?” she called from the other room.
“You need to come here to see it.”
“See what?” Amy said her back still to the door.
“You’ll have to see it for me to show it to you,” her mother said teasingly but with an exasperation that after another whiny what-for! she just got angry. “Come here this minute, young lady.”
Amy sighed. She could not stand being called ‘young lady,’ it sounded so old the way it dripped off her mother’s tongue. Then there was something else to it, as if she were responsible for something, as if there were expectations of her, when all Amy really thought of herself as a 13 year old kid without boobs and social studies homework due and a pimple that just changed places on her face.
Her mother waited, arms crossed, as Amy popped her head through the door. “What?” Amy said. She was going to have to do something about that attitude, she thought, but it might just work. “What do you want?”
“I want you to drop the attitude.” Her mother eyeballed her. “And look at this.”
Amy stepped cautiously in the room weary of her mother’s chastising attention and sudden appraising eye. Her mother slide a piece of paper across the table and said, “I think you should do it,” with an enthusiasm that made Amy decide not to before picking up the pamphlet to read, “Be the Belle of the Ball.”
“What is this?”
A picture of a smiling girl in a turquoise dress with off the shoulder ruffles, puffed up hair and a mask of make-up starred at her. Amy starred back. “What am I to do with this?” Amy looked in confusion at her mother whose way too eager plastered on smile was way too similar to the girl’s in the turquoise dress.
“Apply,” her mother said forcefully through the smile.
“To what?”
“To the Ms. Kentucky contest, silly. I know you can read.” She shook her head as if to say, Really!
Her mother had decided days ago that Amy would win, given how talented and pretty her daughter was— even though Amy couldn’t sing or play the piano or any instrument for that matter, and had only taken a year of ballet when young and couldn’t possibly form a dance routine from it, let alone remember which foot went where in a plait. Neither could she, though she tried, having once given herself a concussion, twirl about and throw batons, or whistle if anything a full tune. She was athletic and loved basketball, and was the best on the girls’ team at recess with kickball, and outran any of the boys in her class, but none of those things brought out her more feminine charms. She was well-spoken when not shy, but around even those people her family knew, she clammed-up. She helped her mother in the kitchen but since her mother couldn’t cook and hand no desire to learn, Amy didn’t know how either. She read well, quickly and with a passion for the story, but to watch someone on stage no matter how easy on the eyes go through a copy of Moby Dick, had to be anything but exciting.
And that was the thing, the girl was smart, wanted, needed to be smart, for her own reasons, if only to navigate safer waters, and though she was pretty having taken her mother’s features, there was nothing of an exhibitionist about her. She preferred being behind the curtains to standing center stage, though her mother knew well enough she wasn’t an audience.
“Well, what do you think?”
“What do you think I think?”
“I think you can win.”
“And I think it doesn’t matter.”
“But Amy people respond to you.”
“Yeah, when I ask them questions.” Amy had a hope of being witty when she was older. Her mother frowned.
“Come on, Amy, this is important.” The only response her mother got was the ticking of the coo-coo clock, the only response Amy thought necessary.
This was uncomfortable, like the time her friend dared her to ask her father what 69 meant and she had called up the stairs, Stacey laughing on the phone until she heard a gruff voice, “It’s a sexual term, don’t use it,” and hung up. Amy hoped that Stacey thought she was joking, home alone with no one to hear, but by the time she made it to school the next day, Stacey told everyone that she asked everyone obscene questions and didn’t know what 69 meant at her age and ‘of all the girls’ in the class. That was what hurt the most, whatever that ‘of all’ meant.
“Well I thought you’d be interested,” her mother said in disappointment and again Amy felt like she wasn’t let in on something, how to be, what to do, what she should want. Her mother having dismissed her for the dishes, Amy felt let down, or that she let her mother down which left her down. No matter the reason, Amy suddenly agreed. “Okay, mom, if you think—”
Her mother didn’t let her finish. In excitement, she clapped her hands and, giving her a quick hug, ran past her to the phone leaving Amy shell-shocked and feeling as if she had just sold her soul. Amy walked outside and sat down in a slump on the stoop. Her mother’s voice in her head— “You’re smile’s contagious, people respond to you.”— she thought for a brief moment her mother might be right. She smiled at her neighbor next door, a plastic glued on grin in mimic of the girl in the picture, but he just looked confused and after a quick look around went back to his gardening. She turned to the old lady walking down the street, her expression unchanged, but the woman grimaced and grumbled, “What are you up to?” before moving away as if her contagiousness was a deadly disease rather than a motivating happiness. This wasn’t working. Amy needed to prepare.
She had watched the Ms. America contest a few years back at her babysitter’s request and knew some sort of talent, speech and prancing about the stage was needed to win. The speech with her studious mind and persistent desire to learn that her classmates’ nicknamed ‘brown-nosing’ would be the easiest of the three and Amy set about brainstorming a good topic. While it seemed everyone had talked about saving the rain forests, plants and trees they have never seen in far off places most will never vacate, she thought of horses and their local value, their gleaming coats and wild eyes, gentile nah’s and bulging muscles, and decided that if she were to prepare a speech she would entitle it, “How Glue Is Not For You.”
Motivated, Amy went upstairs determined to prance. She put on her favorite black one piece a favorite since she was nine with three large strips across the middle: pink, purple and turquoise, and posed in the mirror, her belly round and protruding, her flat chest looking even flatter above the stomach. She knew she shouldn’t have eaten that cake with the extra whip cream after dinner gorging her face in front of the television screen, but she couldn’t watch television without eating, a family tradition of hers and her brother that started in the afternoon with four pieces of toast and a bowl of fruity pebbles to chips, popcorn and dessert at night since television watching was what their mother called what they did best and their only extracurricular activity. It did however nothing for her figure.
She hopped around her room in front of the mirror, belly shaking, until she decided to go to her dad’s tool shed for some duct tape. She had seen this on an after school special once, and sucking in her breath started wrapping duct tape tightly around her middle. She’d hope that the air in her chest would form breasts but realized that though puffed up she needed definition and went to the bathroom for some toilet paper. She stuffed the balled up paper on each side to form two distorted and squishy lumps that only looked right from the side.
This was sad. No matter how she smiled or posed, at whatever angle, Amy did not feel right and not just physically. She knew she’d used glue to make her look like a woman, a stupid one at that. She thought about speaking of the rain forest and the cutting down of trees for useless products when the toilet paper for breasts made her think otherwise.
She’d have to settle with her natural attributes, or lack thereof, and hope to out win the audience with talent, but as for the performance Amy had no clue. Nothing of her skill could be set on stage without causing physical injury. She had once played piano when she was little but all she could remember was Mary Had a Little Lamb and the first few notes of Clementine, nothing compared to the Bach and Beethoven the other girls had no doubt practiced to perfection. Her chorus teacher once told her that she had a fine voice, but with 80 years on her and no doubt a hearing aid, Amy wasn’t so sure.
Amy decided she’d put her singing to the test and asked a boy who worked check out at the local super market if she could sing there. Though he could not promise the intercom, there would definitely be a crowd and Amy set about singing at the front entrance. She sang in a high falsetto too uncomfortable for the ears a rendition of “On Eagle’s Wings,” until an elderly lady adjusting her ears and blinking through the noise, put her hand on her arm and asked, should she call for help, had someone tried to hurt her? to which Amy already crimson matched the bright red savings sign behind her. Her friend, after the manger came to see what the noise was about, acted as if he didn’t know her and asked as did the manager for her to leave the premises immediately. The long walk across the parking lot felt worse than dead man’s walking since Amy was to live another day now with this embarrassment and still without a talent to show.
Arriving home, blessed that no one had yet heard of her operatic catastrophe, Amy found a deck of cards and tried to shuffle like they did on TV. A card shark, that’s what she’d be, a regular Ace, but Amy was all thumbs. Her brother witnessing the misguided hand laughed out loud and asked if she was playing a solo game of 52 card pick up, followed by his favorite insult, “Retard.”
Amy gave up. She tried teaching the dog to jump through hoops, thinking if she didn’t have talent, the dog would, but every time tail wagging Snuffles ran around the side for the biscuit no matter how much she yelled or cooed or petted. Amy was in tears.
Unloved and useless, Amy paced her room gathering the courage to tell her mom she wouldn’t be able to win even if she tried. She was talentless, boobless and at this point, with no confidence and very little patience, speechless. Amy starred in the mirror hating what starred back in myopic what-are-you-going-to-do-about-it, and she knew, nothing could be done. She was who she was and she wasn’t Ms. Kentucky, but when Amy found her mother in the kitchen and muttered, um, about the contest, her mother gave her a quick pat on the arm and said not to worry, she’d do just great, her daughter she knew was second to none.
“But I have some unfortunate news,” her mother said wiping her hands on a dishcloth and kneeling down to Amy’s eye level. “Now, don’t get angry, but your mother made a mistake.” Amy starred. “I waited too long to tell you, and when I saw how eager you were, I just didn’t have the heart. We’re only human, right?” And Amy didn’t know what to say. “We missed the application deadline, honey, I’m sorry.”
Amy though mortified, heaved a huge sigh of relief. Her soul intact, she felt her spirits lifting.
“There’s always next year,” her mother said standing, giving her a wink, but Amy knew other wise. She glimpsed a knowing smile through her mother’s disappointed expression decideding not to question it. She did however decide having witnessed her mother’s fevered enthusiasm that one day she’d make her mother proud and that no matter what she’d find her talent and do a little prance.
Happy Birthday, Mom, I made it on stage.

Marian's Bio

Marian Sillman graduated from Boston College, phi beta kappa with an English Literature degree. A member of the New York Writer's Room, she has been hard at work on a novel and a series of short stories. Of her upcoming novel she says, "The plot runs a little like Jack Kerouac in an age with very little beat, more like loud clashes surrounded by some deafening silences, but definitely an on the road type. It has the feel of a memoir but is very much first person fiction, set in the present with memories interrupting and juxtaposing time frames and context." Marian currently resides in New York City.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Featured Ky Visual Artist, Letitia Quesenberry

"After H" Graphite on Plaster

"After H" (Detailed View)
Artist Statement
The majority of my favorite childhood moments involved wandering, usually resulting in long visits with the neighborhood animals. I had the great fortune to grow up with plenty of space to roam, yet surrounded by an ever-changing cast of dogs, kittens and cows– all of which provided endless circumstances to ponder. The process of absorbing these girlhood experiences has continually informed how I see and what I make– mainly, subdued artwork that explores ideas concerning historical memory and the opposition of individual versus collective experience. Drawing, for me, is an attempt to locate and reconvert moments of perceptual disjunction.

Letitia's Bio
Letitia Quesenberry graduated in 1993 with a bachelors degree in fine art from the University of Cincinnati. She has exhibited work at Smack Mellon in Brooklyn, NY and in numerous group shows including “Potential Images of the World” at the Speed Art Museum and the “2007 DePauw Biennial" at DePauw University. Ms. Quesenberry has received grants from the Kentucky Foundation for Women and the Pace Trust, as well as an Al Smith Fellowship from the Kentucky Arts Council. She recently participated in a collaborative film project entitled MULTIPLY by the DOZENZ which was shown at the 2006 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Her work has been published in NEW AMERICAN PAINTINGS and PITCH MAGAZINE. She was born in 1971 in Louisville, Kentucky, where she lives and works.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Featured KY Visual Artist of the Week, Danica Novgorodoff

The Horse Police 30"x22"

Cow 44"x30"

This weeks featured KY Author, Lucretia X aka Tye

Steak N’ Egg
By Lucretia X aka Tye

Steak N’ Egg

They were on the front porch. I saw him take her in a swoop she pretended not to like. He carried her down the hill in his arms. I was the passenger in his friend’s car. “Are they married?” “Yeah.” “Was he always married?” “Yeah.”

She was thin, and blonde, and little. She had the kind of white skin that looked dirty, or see-through. Her feet were bare. I could see the bottoms. They were pink, with a little bit of dirt. Like pink berries, or the backs of flowers. She looked raw.

No girlfriends ever surprised me. They all looked the same. None of them ever looked like me.

She had on cut-off blue jean shorts, the dark denim kind, frayed at the edges. Pale slender legs that looked too white in the sun, and seemed to glow. Her hair was flat, and feathered. Shoulder-length. She had black roots. A tank top that looked like it had been washed a lot, or bought from Valu- City.

She looked grateful. She looked tough. She looked like she worked at Steak N’ Egg. He picked her up in a gleeful sweep when he saw us coming. His friend drove me. I don’t
know why we were driving by. Money, or pot, or to say hi. We slowed to a stop as he carried her down their sloping hill. I kept myself folded in the front seat. To look thinner.

They lived in a house he owned by my middle school. They were married. “Ticky- tack,” my mother’s voice in my head as I watched him - them - approach. I guess it was tacky: Big and empty. Peeling wallpaper. Rotting porch. Furniture bought from the poor people’s store. A kitchen table with collapsible legs, maybe a plastic table-top cover, the kind with big fruit pictured on it. Now the house is worth a fortune. My mother still rents. So do I.

I had a woman’s body. I could not go to the mall with other girls, smaller girls, in this body. I could not buy regular girl clothes, in this body. Only one thing to do with it. The sloping breasts, stretch-marked and dark-nippled. The round belly. The dark bush between my legs.

I wore tight faded bell-bottom jeans I borrowed from my mother. I wore a pink tank top with skinny straps that criss-crossed in the back that I stole from my best friend Star’s mother. I never wore a bra or underwear. I didn’t like the extra layers.

I was never surprised when they did not ask for my phone number.

I was rarely hurt. I never wanted more. Or less.

His hands on my hips felt grown-up. I was riding his buckle in the dark. He may have been ugly but his hands knew what they were doing. His hands made him handsome.

Crazy laughter in another room. I was happy right where I was. Nothing finer than this.

None of the boys or men I knew then ever forced or pressured. Was I too ugly to rape? Something in my eager chubbiness that turned them off, made them polite.

Fat girls are grateful. That’s what is said. Even read it in some porn. Almost ruined my masturbating. The problem with new fiction, or new films, or new people – you never know what’s coming next. Things get ruined.

Him in the dark, better than porn. I rode him like I read, hungrily, leisurely, thoroughly, and he liked it. This was my point of view. I was on top. In porn, it was always from the man’s point of view. So I thought I knew how he felt, how I might look. But in the dark, points of view can melt. I made him melt. I saw through my own eyes. In the dark.

“Crazy laughter in another room”
from 1972, “Witchy Woman”
The Eagles

To contact Lucretia email;; and under Sattchi Online

Lucretia’s Biography

I am a painter, writer, and filmmaker. I was born in Boston, but I grew up in Louisville, Kentucky. I received a BFA in filmmaking with honors from the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University in 1988. I received an MFA in creative writing from California Institute of the Arts in 2006. Steady income has come from my work as a scenic painter, and as a library clerk. I am the Co-Founder of Revolution Rising, a collective whose purpose was to provide access to and a space for the tools and creation of artmaking through grassroots fundraising (concerts and benefits, t-shirts, stickers, zines). My work with them financed one of my short films, and several art exhibitions in Los Angeles. My short films (16mm, video, and PXL) have been screened at local coffeehouses, art spaces, and universities. My paintings have been purchased by private collectors. I have been awarded grants to take art classes at UCLA. I utilize most mediums. My writing is often nonfiction, but sometimes fiction and poetry. Publication credits include The Los Angeles Review, RE/Search!, and Flyway Literary Review. My work has been accepted for publication by Poetry Motel and The Sun. I am the recipient of the Sweet Corn Literary Award, and an award from the National League of American Pen Women. I make zines, and was interviewed by RE/Search! about my zine The Meat Hook. Currently I am working on my first novel which began as my thesis in the form of a zine, and am preparing for my first solo art exhibition.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Participating Artists Announced!

Visual Artists

Anessa Arehart
Lisa Dupree
Jill Frank
Isabel Gadd
Teresa Huarte
Essye Klempner
Annie Langan
Sarah Lyon
Gillian Mosvold
Sarah Marie Miller
Danica Novgorodoff
Laura Parker
Letitia Quesenberry
Meredith Sarles
Myra Silva
Natalie Sud
Carla Terwilleger
Jessica Woolard
Lucretia X aka Tye

Performance Artists
Lauren Argo and Karen Greasly
Clara Harris


Performing at Actors 10:30pm
Lucy Bickett
Tamara Dearing
Dane Waters and Softcheque

Performing at Glassworks 8pm
Carter Wood
Leah Ann Yost


Nickole Brown
Ellen Hagan
Marian Silliman
Ameshia Williams
Megan Riggle
Elisabeth Meyer
Lucretia X aka Tye

Special Curatory Discussion with Karen Gillenwater at Glassworks

Special thanks to our 2007 Kentucky Girlhood Sponsors
Actors Theatre
Bluegrass Brewing Company
Northend Cafe
Nancy's Bagels
Pitt and Frank Attorneys
The Kentucky Women's Foundation

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Lisa DuPree, Visual Art Submission Example

A.W.'s Christina's World (In Thread)
by Lisa M. Dupree

The New Duprees
by Lisa Dupree

Artist Biography: Lisa M. DuPree

I moved to Louisville from Charleston, SC in December 2003 pursuing a permeable art scene while working a full time job. Since I moved here I have worked as a security guard at the Speed Art Museum, a PBX operator at Baptist Hospital East, a hostess at Bravo! Cucina Italiana, a receptionist for the Eye Specialists of Louisville, a Portrait Sales Consultant for Photography Company of America. I am currently working as a Precertification representative at Humana and am looking to advance within the company.

I work in a couple different mediums including amateur photography, found objects, and mail art, but the most interesting is a medium I created myself, called thread portraits. I lay fine strands of colored thread one at a time on a sticky surface until I’ve created a whole picture. This process is very time consuming and labor intensive. My unique, self-taught art form has allowed me to participate in art shows at the Kentucky Employees Credit Union in Frankfort, Cinderblock Art Gallery, North End Café, Frazier Historical Arms Museum, River Bend Winery, and The Forecastle Show.

Most recently, I have shown two pieces in a traveling show called, “Finding Family,” which has shown at Mount Sterling’s Art Gallery in Eastern Kentucky, 21C Museum in downtown Louisville, and Georgetown College. I would love to someday live independently as an artist, but my student loan is far from being paid off, I now have a mortgage, and the artwork isn’t quite selling out yet. I look forward to further.

Artist Lisa Dupree
Louisville, Kentucky

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Call to Participate

Press Release August 2007

We would like to announce The Kentucky Girlhood Project: a provocative and multifaceted show of works produced by women from Kentucky with a particular interest in the theme of adolescence. Initiated by Louisville artists Laura Parker and Jill Frank, and supported by a grant through the Kentucky Foundation for Women; The Kentucky Girlhood Project specifically seeks to highlight current female contemporary artists working in all areas of Kentucky, in all mediums. The exhibition runs from September 14th to September 21st at both the Glassworks Gallery and Actors Theater with a blowout opening night on September 14th of live performance and visual art not to be missed!

Laura Parker and Jill Frank, both 1997 St. Francis High School graduates, initiated this project in order to create an outlet for their own work, as well as begin a dialogue with other female artists from all over the state whose work related to similar themes. In order to find new talent, the first-time curators took many trips around Kentucky, meeting artists and posting flyers, reaching areas and meeting people that would be otherwise inaccessible. To experience some of these curatorial adventures around the state, visit The Kentucky Girlhood Project blog at ( The blog has been and will continue to highlight selected submissions, and explain more about the project and its goals. Please join us for an opening night of unique and compelling artwork and performance!

The Kentucky Girlhood Project Presents:
One night, two venues—
On September 14th, 2007, join us for an evening of new artworks from leading contemporary female artists, authors, musicians, performers, and much more!

Glassworks Gallery, downtown Louisville at Ninth & Market
Opening Reception
Sept 14, 8:00 – 10 pm
Glassworks, downtown at Ninth & Market
Sponsored by BBC and TARC

The Late Seating at Actors presents
Kentucky Girlhood Project
Sept 14 at 10:00 pm
The Victor Jory Theatre and the Victor Jory Lobby

Doors open at 10 pm
Actors Theatre, downtown at Third & Main

Performance, music and art from the Kentucky Girlhood Project, highlighting current female contemporary artists working in all areas of Kentucky. Part of the late night series at Actors Theatre featuring new work by local artists.

TICKETS: $10 (or $5 with Actors Theatre ticket stub)
Call 502-584-1205 or available at Kentucky Girlhood Project Art
Exhibit Opening Reception.

Selected Kentucky Girlhood Project art on exhibit at Actors
Sept 12 – Oct 1 in the Victor Jory Lobby, Free
Tue - Thur, 7 pm – 10 pm and Sat – Sun, 2 pm – 10 pm

Attention all Kentucky Female Artists!
(Painters, Photographers, Writers, Filmmakers, Video artists, Sculptors, Performers, Print-makers, Musicians, any medium accepted…)

Kentucky Girlhood Project
Jill Frank and Laura Parker
502-821-9955 *

  • Check out The Kentucky Girlhood Project on Myspace!
  • Friday, March 2, 2007

    About Jill and Laura

    Photo By Jill Frank

    Jill Frank's Bio

    Jill Frank, co-curator of the Kentucky Girlhood Project, was born in 1978 in Georgia. At some point her family moved to Kentucky, and that is where she began her art career, in the early eighties. Early hand-print paintings and an unusual obsession with a blue plastic Fisher Price camera lead Jill to further investigate her artistic inclinations at Bard College, in upstate New York in 1997. She then lived in Providence, Brooklyn, Chicago and Louisville at for varying amounts of time. After many years of working in New York as a manager of a photo studio, Jill realized she should go back to school and get an MFA. The Art Institute of Chicago seemed like a good choice, so for the last two years Jill has been finishing her degree in Chicago, although still very much a permanent resident of Louisville, Kentucky. Her most recent finished work involves reenactments of pivotal moments in her immediate family history; some of the important memories that might otherwise be forgotten were acted out for the purpose of documentation. The series titled, The Franks focuses on the awkward, embarrassing and universal experience of adolescence. More recent projects are concerning the documentation of other people?s important recollections, please contact Jill if you are interested in re-enacting an important childhood memory.

    Laura Parker's Bio

    Laura Parker, co-curator of the Kentucky Girlhood Project, was born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1979. She started oil painting when she was 11 years old, after being inspired by her older sister, who is also an artist. After high school Laura moved around the country for many years living in several states including Colorado, Pennsylvania, Washington and New York. She spent four years living in New York City where she worked for art non-profits including the Art Directors Club and HOWL! Festival. Realizing that office life did not suit her soul she spent her last year in New York holding up welcome signs at airports and selling jewelry in street fairs for her friend's company, Lolabean. In 2005 she moved back to Kentucky to focus on her art career and began an experimental art project called Meet-A-Stranger. In Meet a Stranger, Laura introduces her audience to people doing interesting things based on impromptu interviews she conducts with random strangers.

    Meet A Stranger


    Aleyda, a seventeen-year-old recent high school graduate, works at a Mexican restaurant and grocery store in downtown Carrollton, Kentucky.

    This week there have been few customers but she expects to be busy tomorrow for the soccer game. Mexico is playing in the World Cup and they have a television.

    When Aleyda was six in Veracruz her father moved to Kentucky to make money. Six years later Aleyda and the rest of her family followed the father. Now in Carrollton, Aleyda enjoys watching movies with friends, reading celebrity magazines, and hanging out with her white boyfriend. Aleyda received a scholarship to attend the local two-year community college and plans to become a Chemical Engineer.

    Aleyda enjoys the differences in people and has friends from many races and backgrounds. Her Hispanic friends in Kentucky often look at her strange because she has integrated more into the American culture. She explains “The Hispanic people here are always together in a corner at school. My brother and I talk to everyone pretty much. That is why they look at us weird. They are not racist or anything and I am still friends with them but they just like to stick together. I ask them, ‘How come you don’t talk to everyone?’ and they are like, ‘I don’t know.’”

    Thursday, March 1, 2007

    Submission Example, Ellen Hagan, Writer

    It Was Me
    Published in America! What's My Name?

    By Ellen Hagan
    Born in Bardstown, Kentucky

    Body calling. For you. This is what they say. My body needs. What’s your desire? You want to be 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 and tight, one slick body calling you up, dialing.

    At 13, I wanted to be kissed deep and long, not because MTV told me that’s what I wanted, not because of Jodeci’s ‘Forever My Lady’ or Naughty by Nature’s ‘Hip-Hop Hooray’, or the street corner or the pressure of my peers. Not because of anything other than wanting another mouth on mine. At 13, I was all legs and frizzy hair and nowhere to put all my longing. It wasn’t music videos, Madonna in a sprawl on a cross with a black Christ that made me want to slow grind on all the boys at the parties, throw my head back shooting tequila or vodka or bourbon and laugh high and loud.
    It was me.

    At 14, I lost my virginity at another 14- year old boy’s house, while his mother watched The Price is Right in the living room and his dog barked till he had to yell “Shut the fuck up,” while he was thinking of saying the same thing to me. And it was not Teen Beat, with Silk on the cover that had me wasted and naked from the hips down, not Seventeen or Beverly Hills 90210. It was not a zip code that made me buy a box of condoms on my way to his house because he said, “I don’t have none…could you?”
    And I could. And I did.

    At 15, I made out, put my tongue into warm mouths and kissed slow and deep in dark alleys, but I was terrible alone, and it wasn’t mass media that told me I was ugly. It was the mirror. “Sex me baby.” It was at 15 I learned other girls got breasts, not the girls in Snoop Dogg videos or on the covers of magazines, but my best friends. Got tits. And asses. And figures. And curves that went Bam! And touch me. I’m hot, kinda figures that said, “come and get it. come and get it. come and get it. come and get it.”
    Like a looped record, full of Kentucky Southern.

    Re-mix. “Turn off the lights cuz girl it’s on. Sex me.”
    Re-mix. No matter how much I re-mixed it, I was still alone and there was no sex me in my future. And it wasn’t the supermodels on TV that told me I was ugly, or too skinny, or too stupid. It was the mirror. It was growing up.
    It was me.

    *Lyrics from R. Kelly’s Sex Me

    Ellen's Bio

    Ellen Hagan is a writer, actress and educator. Her poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and can be seen in Failbetter, La Petite Zine, nervygirl, Monologues for Women by Women, Check the Rhyme: An Anthology of Female Poets & Emcees and upcoming in Submerged: Tales from the Basin and America! What’s My Name? Her work has been featured on Kentucky Educational Television, New York’s WBAI and WNYE and produced by SpokenWorks for the New York International Fringe Festival, ROAR Theatre Festival and the American Living Room. She has had residencies at the Hopscotch House and The University of Kentucky and received grants from the KY Foundation for Women and the GSA Toyota Alumni Fund. Ellen recently performed for season five of Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Jam and tours the state with her duo show Becoming Woman. She is also the co-founder of girlstory, a multi-generational, multi-cultural women’s collective based in New York City. girlstory was recently nominated as Vagina Warriors for V-Day at Adelphi University and performed for Eve Ensler’s Stop the Violence Campaign in the Y.Now Festival at HERE Theatre in summer 2006. Ellen holds an MFA in fiction from The New School University, and is working on a full-length novel entitled The Kentucky Notes.

    Tuesday, February 27, 2007

    Western Kentucky

    Posting Flyers on Bulletin Boards in little towns across Western Kentucky.

    Nicole and Tiffany, Yard Sale, Bonnieville, Kentucky

    Kentucky Repertory Theatre

    Tom Chaney, Owner of THE BOOKSTORE, in Horse Cave, Kentucky.
    Tom talked to us about women authors in Kentucky and mountain top removal.

    Wednesday, January 31, 2007

    Eastern Kentucky Here We Come!!!

    Jill and I leave tomorrow to take a weekend trip through Eastern Kentucky to meet peope and promote the show! Stay tuned for updates and photos from our journey.

    Tuesday, January 30, 2007

    Middlesboro, Kentucky

    Breakfast at the Cumberland Manor Bed and Breakfast in Middlesboro, KY. Owner and artist, Jill West, shares with us the history of Middlesboro and also gives us advice on promoting the show.

    FInding Directions

    Local cousins share stories with us about growing up in Middlesboro

    54 year old Jim tells us about growing up in Middlesboro, coal and his relationship with his mother who gave birth to 13 children.

    Posting the Flyer

    West Liberty, Kentucky

    Debbie is an artist and owner of a amazing little teahouse in W. Liberty, Kentucky. She paints furniture and reproduction folk paintings as well and grew up in West Liberty.

    McKenzie Pool Room

    Benham, Kentucky

    JIll talks to Haley, an eigth grader in Benham, about participating in the project.